Shaenon, hooray for MO Sunday Timeslot!
Paul, this is so, so cool. I wish I could have heard your Nerd Nite talk. Do you have a website or blog? Are all mycologists this awesome?
Two thumbs up from this biology geek! There should’ve been an episode about Cordyceps-infected “zombies” climbing tall buildings to shed their spores across Manhattan…..
(Oh, and my Narbonic books did finally arrive after an epic journey around Yorkshire. Turns out the British postal system REALLY hates my new house.)
Hothouse was the source of childhood trauma: it was the only library book I ever lost. This was serious business for a small, neurotic, thickly bespectacled nerd child.
For the curious, here’s the grayed-out image of Pilobolus the episode used:
For reference, the X-Files wiki titles the image “Silicon_Based_Lifeform_Under_Microscope.jpg.” This is amusing on a few levels.
Shaenon, hooray for MO Sunday Timeslot!
Paul, this is so, so cool. I wish I could have heard your Nerd Nite talk. Do you have a website or blog? Are all mycologists this awesome?
Two thumbs up from this biology geek! There should’ve been an episode about Cordyceps-infected “zombies” climbing tall buildings to shed their spores across Manhattan…..
(Oh, and my Narbonic books did finally arrive after an epic journey around Yorkshire. Turns out the British postal system REALLY hates my new house.)
You should read Brian Aldiss’s Hothouse for an interesting take on human-fungi symbiosis.
Hothouse was the source of childhood trauma: it was the only library book I ever lost. This was serious business for a small, neurotic, thickly bespectacled nerd child.