I’m sorry I didn’t have room for the dialogue at the end, where Scully is all MULDER DON’T GET ON THAT TRAIN and Mulder is like NO I AM GETTING ON THAT TRAIN IT IS AWESOME AND HAS ALIENS IN IT and Scully is all NOOOOO and Mulder hangs up on her.
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Have we reached the point in the series where Mulder loses his phone every time he takes it out of his pocket? Or does that happen in later seasons?
Mr. X looks a lot like madblood today
Holy alien jelly on toast, your right! Now I’m going to have to read all of my Narbonic books again. Shame on you and your product placement comments, sir!
I do love Mulder’s face in the last panel. *Wheee! Action!*
Even sober, the line “I felt embedded with metal” cracks me up. Thanks!
Japanese Nazi doctors cause cancer now? Geez, it seems like *everything* causes cancer these days…